

Clipping Grounds is more than just a grass-cutting business. We take time to develop every design idea and invest in every treatment to improve the health of your lawn.




cutting is crucial

Routine lawn mowing is an integral part of maintaining the life and health of your lawn. Contact us for a consultation for your yard and get in the habit of getting routine trims. 


soft-as-carpet grass

Have you always wanted that nice, thick, plush grass that you just want to lay on? Well we can give you just that. Sodding, similar to hair transplants for balding, allows you to have the yard you always wanted.



even out those hills

Grading helps prevent water from pooling at the bottom of hills causing flooding and over-saturation of your grass. Allow us to smooth out your bumps and lumps of your yard. 


mulch keeps designs neat

Adding mulch to trees, shrubs or bushes, creates a clean and neat look for your yard. Not only does it look good, but it benefits your plants' roots by holding valuable nutrients and water near the plant's base.